Dual, Affiliate, DHP, and Student Members will receive the Nugget magazine, all communications and e-blast information, member pricing for SDDS events, and other SDDS member benefits. 

Membership Information *

  • Dual Membership

    Dual Membership

    A dentist who maintains membership in another CDA component as well as SDDS and who practices a minimum of one day a week in our component jurisdiction.

    $425.00 ea.

  • Affiliate Membership

    Affiliate Membership

    A dentist who maintains membership in good standing in the American Dental Association and is not otherwise eligible for active or life membership in this Society may be classified as an affiliate member of this Society.

    $225.00 ea.

  • Student Membership

    Student Membership

    Predoctoral: Any student enrolled in an undergraduate program is eligible for student member. Additionally, students in a dental school program may also be classifed as a student member of this Society.

    $25.00 ea.

  • Dental Health Professional (DHP) Membership

    Dental Health Professional (DHP) Membership

    Any individual who is in the dental health profession such as hygienists, assistants, office clericial staff, County agency representatives may be classified as a DHP member of this Society.

    $95.00 ea.

Applicant Information


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
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